Candy World Records

Candy World Records

The world of candy is filled with amazing surprises, from the creation of mouth-watering treats to the breaking of extraordinary records. Candy world records showcase the creativity, innovation, and sometimes sheer audacity of those involved in the confectionery industry.

Whether it’s crafting the largest chocolate bar or inventing the most unusual flavors, these records are a testament to the limitless possibilities within the candy world. In this article, we will explore some of the most fascinating candy world records, delving into the stories behind them and the incredible feats achieved by candy lovers and manufacturers alike.

Make sure to check out our online candy store for some awesome info about all types of candies from around the world.

1. The Largest Chocolate Bar

The Record

One of the most famous candy world records is for the largest chocolate bar ever made. In 2011, the UK-based company Thorntons created a huge chocolate bar weighing in at an astounding 12,770 pounds (5,792 kilograms).

The bar measured nearly 13 feet by 9 feet and was over 1 foot thick. This gigantic creation was crafted to celebrate the company’s 100th anniversary, making it a truly memorable achievement.

The Process

Creating a chocolate bar of this size required very careful planning and execution. The team at Thorntons used a specially constructed mold to ensure that the chocolate sat properly without cracking.

They melted and poured over 50 large vats of chocolate into the mold, allowing it to cool and solidify over several days. The record-breaking bar was then unveiled at an event, where pieces were distributed to attendees and later donated to local charities.


The record for the largest chocolate bar demonstrated the company’s expertise in chocolate making and highlighted the fun and celebratory nature of the candy industry. It captured the imagination of chocolate lovers worldwide and set a benchmark for other companies and enthusiasts to aspire to.

2. The Most Expensive Candy

The Record

When it comes to luxury, the candy world does not disappoint. The title of the most expensive candy in the world goes to the "Le Chocolate Box," created by the renowned chocolatier Lake Forest Confections in collaboration with Simons Jewelers. This exquisite candy box was priced at a staggering $1.5 million, making it a treat reserved for the ultra-wealthy.

What Makes It So Expensive?

The high price tag of this box is not solely due to the chocolates themselves, although they are of exceptional quality, crafted from the finest ingredients. What truly sets this candy apart is the inclusion of a selection of jewelry pieces, including diamond necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, nestled alongside the chocolates. The combination of world-class confectionery and luxurious jewelry created a one-of-a-kind product that appealed to both candy enthusiasts and collectors of fine jewelry.


Although “Le Chocolate Box” may not be accessible to the average consumer, it serves as an example of how candy can be elevated to the status of art and luxury. It also underscores the creativity within the candy industry, where confectioners are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

But that's not all! Make sure to check out The Most Expensive Candies in the World for some more interesting info.

3. The Longest Candy Cane

The Record

Candy canes are a staple of the holiday season, but one particular candy cane holds the record for being the longest ever made. In 2012, Geneva, Illinois, became the site of this record-breaking achievement when a candy cane measuring 51 feet long was created by master confectioner Chef Alain Roby.

The Challenge

Creating such a massive candy cane was no easy feat. Chef Roby, who is also a Guinness World Record holder for the tallest cooked sugar building, used traditional candy-making techniques to craft the giant candy cane.

The process involved heating sugar to the perfect temperature, stretching and pulling it to achieve the desired texture, and then carefully shaping it into the iconic hook of a candy cane. The final product was a marvel of both confectionery skill and engineering.


The unveiling of the longest candy cane was a festive event that brought the community together to celebrate the holiday season. After the record was confirmed, pieces of the cane were distributed to the attendees, spreading the sweetness far and wide.

4. The Largest Lollipop

The Record

Lollipops are a beloved candy enjoyed by people of all ages, but in 2012, See’s Candies in the United States took lollipop-making to a whole new level by creating the world’s largest lollipop. This huge treat weighed a whopping 7,003 pounds (3,176 kilograms) and measured over 5 feet in diameter.

Crafting the Giant Lollipop

The process of creating the world’s largest lollipop required a team of confectioners, engineers, and artisans. The candy was made using traditional lollipop ingredients, including sugar, corn syrup, and flavoring, but on a much larger scale.

The mixture was poured into a specially designed mold and allowed to cool and harden over several days. Once solidified, the lollipop was mounted on a large stick, completing the record-breaking creation.

Public Display

The giant lollipop was unveiled at the See’s Candies factory in Burlingame, California, where it drew large crowds eager to witness the record-setting candy. After the event, the lollipop was preserved and displayed as a symbol of the company’s dedication to craftsmanship and innovation in the candy industry.

5. The Most Varieties of Chocolate Bars in a Single Collection

The Record

Chocolate lovers are always on the lookout for new flavors to try. However, one individual took this passion to an extraordinary level by amassing the largest collection of chocolate bar varieties in the world. Andrew Farrugia of Malta holds the record for the most varieties of chocolate bars in a single collection, with over 3,000 different bars from around the globe.

Building the Collection

Andrew Farrugia’s collection began as a hobby but quickly grew into an obsession. He sourced chocolate bars from different countries, regions, and manufacturers, ensuring that no two bars were the same. His collection includes limited-edition pieces, rare flavors, and bars that are no longer in production, making this collection a true treasure trove for chocolate enthusiasts.


Andrew Farrugia’s collection was officially recognized by the Guinness World Records as the largest of its kind in 2013. The collection has since been featured in various media outlets, and Farrugia continues to add new varieties to his ever-growing assortment.

You might also want to check out the Food and Drink section of the Guinness World Records website.

6. The Fastest Time to Eat a Chocolate Orange

The Record

Eating challenges are a popular way to test the limits of human endurance and skill, and the candy world has its own share of such records. One of the most unique records is the fastest time to eat a chocolate orange, a popular British confection that consists of chocolate segments shaped like an orange.

The Record Holder

In 2018, a competitive eater Leah Shutkever set the record by devouring a full chocolate orange in just 57.14 seconds. The challenge required not only speed by also the ability to chew and swallow the dense chocolate segments quickly and efficiently.

The Experience

Leah Shutkever’s record-breaking feat was achieved under strict guidelines, with officials ensuring that all the chocolate was consumed and nothing was left uneaten. Her success in this challenge has made her a legend in the world of competitive eating and added to the list of quirky and fun candy world records.


Candy world records are a testament to the creativity, passion, and sometimes sheer audacity of those involved in the confectionery industry. From the largest chocolate bar to the fastest time to eat a chocolate orange, these records showcase the limitless possibilities within the world of candy.

They inspire us to think big, push boundaries, and celebrate the sweet moments in life. Whether you are a candy lover or just someone who appreciates remarkable achievements, these records offer a fascinating glimpse into the incredible world of candy.

You might also be interested in our article The Sweetest Candy in the World. It explores some of the most sugar-packed delights, their origins, and what makes them irresistible to candy lovers around the globe.

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