Young Girl Wins Huge Jar of Jelly Beans

We're suckers for a great story about kids and candy. Maybe that's why I had to write up this story about an English girl who won herself 443 jelly beans.

winning girl and her jelly beans

That's a lot of jelly beans for a young lady of 5 years. She earned them in a local contest held this past holiday season where participants were asked to guess how many jelly beans were in the prize jar. Ms. Ella Walsh stepped right up and said "444"_x009d_!

That was, of course, not technically the correct answer, but since she and one other contestant were only off by one measly jelly bean, they were declared the finalists in the contest. So what does one do to determine the winner of a contest when the finalists already know they're very close to the real number? Make them guess again and see who gets closer the second time?

Nope. Just a simple name drawn out of a hat. But judging from her adorable picture, we all know that it was not chance that won her those jelly beans, it was truly destiny.

She is pretty cute, huh?

Congratulations, Ella!

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