Gummy Bear Colors Personality Profiles

Yellow is warm like sunshine and represents hope and happiness. Everyone has a favorite color of gummy bears candy so the question is does your favorite gummy colored candy reflect your personality or is it just coincidence? The following information about colors will help you to decide. Yellow, in addition to that already said, is also the most joyful psychological color, it instills a sense if well being and optimism for the future. It is also said that yellow generates energy and creative thought. So in theory yellow colored candy gummy bear lovers may reflect these wonderful and bright features in their personalities.

Red gummy bears are a whole different colored candy story. Red is passionate, vivacious and exciting. Red also represents beauty and comfort. If colored candy gummy bears can predict personality then red gummy bear lovers would surely be lovers of luxury, beauty and divinity. Orange gummy bears must then represent those who represent the best of everything lively, extreme and passionate because they are of course a combination of both these vivacious colors. It may not be purely coincidental then, that one can readily purchase packets of gummy bears with red, yellow and orange gummies only.

Blue gummy bears lovers may be equally happy but are probably more grounded. It is the color of calm, introspect and constancy like the sky and the sea. Blue is also the color of royalty and yet it is a steady and fulfilling color. Purple gummy bears are of course a combination of red and blue which surely indicates an interesting personality for those who choose these treats as their colored candy of choice. Passionate and grounded surrounded by beauty and comfort (royalty even); a spectacular colored candy combination.

What can we say then of those who most enjoy the rich yet colorless colored flavors of black and white gummy bears? Odd's are that it's better than you thought. Black is powerful and authoritative. Despite all of the sinister color connotations often associated with black as a color (or lack of) it is actually a peaceful meditative color. Black is also of course the color of sophistication. White is pure and clear, the color of simplicity and peace. White is clean and uncomplicated, a straight-up you know what your getting and what your getting is good kind of color. In that light both black and white seem pretty all right, and isn't it interesting that many whose first choice in colored candy is black will choose white as their second choice and visa versa.

Other colored candy gummy bears available with equally tasty but less definite color connotations include green, panda, chocolate, swirly, anise, cinnamon, sour, peach and techno gummy bears. And for those who enjoy nothing more than a packet of multi-colored gummy bear candy, you must represent the generalist, the person who is above all fair, the epitome of moderation and equal representation. You are the well rounded diplomat of candy colored flavored gummies!

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