15 Amazing Easter Dessert Recipes That Put Chocolate Bunnies to Shame
Not to be rude, but if you think that chocolate bunnies and Cadbury eggs are as good as dessert gets at Easter then it's pretty clear that you aren't trying hard enough. Why stuff yourself full of factory-made chocolate this season when you can treat your hopper to something truly delicious, like Ravenous Rabbit Cupcakes or Lemon Berry Trifle? If you really want to have a Happy Easter this year then skip the chemically treated stuff and try out one of these awesome Easter Dessert Recipes instead.
1. Ravenous Rabbit Cupcakes

Credit: Hungry Happenings
Tell us these Ravenous Rabbit cupcakes from Hungry Happenings aren't the most adorable things you've seen all year. What's that? You can't? Maybe that's because these are possibly the greatest Easter dessert ever conceived. They might be a pain in the butt to make – pun definitely intended – but they'll definitely steal the show at your holiday party.
Check out the recipe at Hungry Happenings.
2. Lemon Berry Trifle

Credit: Mel's Kitchen Café
A good trifle is no trifling matter, especially considering that the dolled-up parfait has been a staple Easter dessert since Victoria ruled England. Not only is this incredible combination of pound cake, sweet berries and lemon-infused whipped topping delicious, it's also slightly healthier for you than chocolate. That should help justify the fact that you're probably going to eat all of this one in one sitting.
Get the recipe from Mel's Kitchen Café.
3. Cheesecake Filled Chocolate Eggs

Credit: Raspberri Cupcakes blog
Say what you want about Cadbury's cream eggs. They've got nothing on these Cheesecake Filled Chocolate Eggs from Raspberri Cupcakes. The concept behind these Easter treats is absolutely genius and while they look all sorts of fancy, they're actually quite easy to make. Oh, and they're delicious too. Seriously, if you don't like eating cheesecake wrapped in a chocolate shell and drizzled in caramel sauce with a tiny spoon then we can't be friends.
Learn from the master at the Raspberri Cupcakes blog.
4. Rainbow Peeps Trifle

Credit: Shake and Bake Party
If you're one of the many people who love those marshmallow abominations known as Easter Peeps, then you're going to love this Rainbow Peep Trifle. If you're one of the many, many people who hate Peeps, then just think of it as a mass-Peeps execution pit and imagine that you've been tasked with hiding the bodies from authorities by consuming them. That should make it more fun. But in all sincerity, this combination of marshmallows, rainbow cake bites, whipped topping and lemon pie filling is amazing.
Unleash your wrath at Shake and Bake Party.
5. Easter Bunny Bark

Credit: Blooming on Bainbridge
Is chocolate bark traditionally a winter dessert? Yes, yes it is. Does this Easter Bunny Bark look like some raver's rainbow candy nightmare? It absolutely does. But let's forget all that for a moment. Loaded with colorful crushed-up easter candies, this creative Easter dessert is the chocolate overdose you've always dreamed of but have never allowed yourself to try. It's only going to hurt you, but it's going to hurt you so good.
Get the recipe at Blooming on Bainbridge.
6. Bunny Ears Mousses

Credit: Centsational Girl
As the former style editor for Country Home magazine, it's safe to assume Matthew Mead knows a little something about fancy Easter dessert recipes. Case in point – check out these Bunny Ears Mousses that he contributed to Centsational Girl. They've got panache, they've got flavor and they've got shortbread cookies for ears. That's a winner in our book.
Get the recipe at Centsational Girl.
7. Easter Peep S'mores

Credit: LilyShop
The Peep torture continues! This time we're featuring Jessie Jane from LilyShop, who had the bright idea to roast those smug little pudge buckets and smoosh them inbetween some graham crackers and chocolate to make Peep S'mores. This awesome recipe is even more proof that cruelty can be delicious.
Let the delicious rage consume you at LilyShop.
8. Carrot Cake Roll

Credit: Crazy for Crust
Cake rolls (or logs, depending on where you're from) are another traditional Easter dessert. Bunnies of the Easter variety are known to eat carrots. Therefore, by the transitive property of algebra, this Carrot Cake Roll by Dorothy at Crazy for Crust should be awesome because it features spicy carrot cake wrapped around thick and decadent cream cheese frosting. Yup, makes perfect sense to us.
Check it out at Crazy for Crust.
9. Cookie Butter Popcorn

Credit:I Heart Naptime
Go to your local Trader Joe's. If you don't have one in your town, then find one and drive to it. Then, purchase a jar of Cookie Butter. This sweet ginger-cookie spread is like thigh-destroying manna sent from Heaven. Conveniently, it also makes a great topping for popcorn when you melt it down and mix it with chocolate. Seriously, try the recipe.
Get the recipe at I Heart Naptime.
10. Pastel Confetti Cake

Credit: Brit.co
Nothing says “I love Easter and I'm losing control of my life”_x009d_ like this giant Pastel Confetti Cake from Brit.co. However, we're not here to judge and no matter how you look at it, this cake is incredible. Fair warning though, you need three boxes of cake mix and four jars of frosting to make this goliath. Keep that in mind when you're debating the virtues of a second slice after dinner.
Get the recipe at Brit.co.
11. Coconut Cookie Chicks

Credit: Chocolate Covered Katie
So you want to be healthy this Easter. Well, you disgust us. But if you're going to count calories like some sort of “responsible adult,”_x009d_ you might as well do it with these Coconut Cookie Chicks. Full of maple syrup and shredded coconut and dolled up with almonds and pecans, they're actually pretty amazing and quite healthy for you. That's no excuse for your attitude, though. Quitter.
Learn to be responsible at Chocolate Covered Katie.
12. Italian Easter Bread

Credit: The Italian Dish Blog
America isn't the only country that celebrates Easter. The Italians are also pretty big on the holiday since, you know, the Pope lives there and stuff. And since the Italians are also known for their amazing cuisine, it should come as no surprise that this Italian Easter Bread might be the fanciest thing on this list. You guys, there is a whole dyed Easter egg baked in the middle.
Check out the recipe at The Italian Dish Blog.
13. Hot Cross Buns

Credit: The Pioneer Woman
Sure, you've played the song on your recorder in elementary music class, but have you ever actually seen a Hot Cross Bun? Well let us hit you with some knowledge – they are very real and very delicious. Think of this traditional Good Friday treat as a medieval cinnamon roll, only healthier and more rustic. Sounds good, right?
Check them out at, where else, The Pioneer Woman blog.
14. Bunny Crepes

Vredit: ZiggityZoom
The wonderful thing about crepes is that they work both as a breakfast dish and a dessert. The wonderful thing about Easter Bunny crepes is that they're a great way to get your kids involved in the kitchen and, loaded with sweet berries and cream, they're also pretty darn good.
Learn how to make your own at ZiggityZoom.
15. Carrot Patch Cookies

Credit: Spoonful
We try not to include Easter dessert recipes from massive recipe factory's like Disney's Spoonful, but we can't ignore the fact that these Carrot Patch Cookies are just super. Seriously, look at these things. They totally look like tiny edible planters boxes. That's awesome. Our hat is off to you, Mickey.
Get the recipe at Spoonful.
Share Your Awesome Easter Dessert Recipes!
Do you have a cool Easter treat up your sleeve that you wish we'd mention? Maybe something involving bunnies fighting Peeps? Then share it with us! If it's as cool as we think it is, we'll share it with our readers and fans. Otherwise, we hope you enjoy the light we've brought to your life by giving you some world class desserts to try instead of those factory-fashioned bunnies this Easter. Enjoy your holiday and stop by next week for even more sweet projects, recipes and tutorials.
Happy Trails,
The CandyStore Team