Most Popular Easter Candy By State [Interactive Map]

  • State-by-State Ranking of Favorite Easter Candy
  • Top 3 Easter Candy Flavors from Each State
  • 15 Years Bulk Candy Sales Data + Over 10,000 People Surveyed
  • Updated March 2023

March 20, 2023 By Ben George

Happy Easter everyone! It's just around the corner now, and people are already buying lots of Easter candy. Which is the most popular Easter candy in your state? We have done the research, worn the white coats, got down to brass tacks and laid out the results beautifully in this interactive map. Here are the top 3 most popular Easter candies in each state.

Most Popular Easter Candy 2023

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Easter Candy is Very Popular

Hover over your state on the lovely interactive map above (non-mobile only) and you'll see the top 3 Easter candies in each state by popularity. What the amp doesn't tell you is that Easter candy is very popular. How popular is it?

Well, it may not seem like Easter is all about candy. Obviously there is so much more to the season than Easter baskets. But, then again, there is also a lot of candy happening.

The National Confectioners Association put out this illustration in 2015 that surprised many people. There's data that suggests the same amount or more candy is sold for Easter than is sold for Halloween!

Easter Candy Sales Are Equal to Halloween

That ain't no joke.

How Much Easter Candy is Eaten Each Year?

It's a good question. The National Retail Federation's data shows that over the past 3 years, America's have spent around $3-Billion on candy during the Easter season. More than greeting cards, decorations and flowers combined!

Here are some more fun Easter Candy facts:

List of Top Easter Candies by State

So which Easter Candy candy do people like the most? It varies by state.

Since we're an online bulk candy store, we reached out to customers to find that out. Looking at over 15 years of candy sales data and the results from our survey responses, we were able to map out Easter candy preferences by state as well as overall nationwide rankings.

We got over 10,000 responses this year. We also checked in with our friendly major candy manufacturers and distributors to be sure our survey corresponded with their seasonal observations.

The interactive map above illustrates each states favorite Easter candy. Hover over a state to reveal the top 3 most popular in that state.

You might be surprised by the results, illustrated above in the interactive candy map. Key takeaways, below, but first a look at the bigger picture.

You can also view the list below if you prefer to browse that way:

State Top Flavor 2023 #2 2023 #3 2023
Alabama Watermelon Juicy Pear Black Licorice
Alaska Black Licorice Root Beer Cherry
Arizona Buttered Popcorn Cinnamon Juicy Pear
Arkansas Buttered Popcorn Root Beer Black Licorice
California Buttered Popcorn Black Licorice Cinnamon
Colorado Buttered Popcorn Root Beer Black Licorice
Connecticut Buttered Popcorn Cherry Juicy Pear
Delaware Cinnamon Toasted Marshmallow Buttered Popcorn
Florida Coffee Watermelon Juicy Pear
Georgia Black Licorice Buttered Popcorn Root Beer
Hawaii Cherry Watermelon Grape
Idaho Orange Buttered Popcorn Root Beer
Illinois Chocolate Black Licorice Grape
Indiana Blueberry Black Licorice Watermelon
Iowa Cherry Buttered Popcorn Grape
Kansas Cinnamon Black Licorice Watermelon
Kentucky Black Licorice Cinnamon Pink Strawberry
Louisiana Green Apple Buttered Popcorn Cherry
Maine Root Beer Cherry Black Licorice
Maryland Root Beer Cherry Buttered Popcorn
Massachusetts Coconut Bubblegum Watermelon
Michigan Buttered Popcorn Black Licorice Green Apple
Minnesota Buttered Popcorn Root Beer Black Licorice
Mississippi Pink Strawberry Watermelon Buttered Popcorn
Missouri Coffee Buttered Popcorn Orange
Montana Black Licorice Cotton Candy Cinnamon
Nebraska Sour Black Licorice Blueberry
Nevada Coffee Cinnamon Coconut
New Hampshire Watermelon Juicy Pear Grape
New Jersey Black Licorice Peach Cherry
New Mexico Cherry Cinnamon Watermelon
New York Sour Buttered Popcorn Toasted Marshmallow
North Carolina Black Licorice Grape Cinnamon
North Dakota Buttered Popcorn Cinnamon Black Licorice
Ohio Buttered Popcorn Black Licorice Cinnamon
Oklahoma Coffee Green Apple Toasted Marshmallow
Oregon Watermelon Sour Black Licorice
Pennsylvania Buttered Popcorn Black Licorice Blueberry
Rhode Island Blueberry Buttered Popcorn Pink Strawberry
South Carolina Cherry Black Licorice Root Beer
South Dakota Pink Strawberry Cinnamon Root Beer
Tennessee Black Licorice Juicy Pear Blueberry
Texas Buttered Popcorn Cinnamon Black Licorice
Utah Black Licorice Cherry Banana
Vermont Juicy Pear Orange Island Punch
Virginia Cinnamon Watermelon Buttered Popcorn
Washington Juicy Pear Orange Pink Strawberry
West Virginia Buttered Popcorn Blueberry Cinnamon
Wisconsin Cotton Candy Watermelon Root Beer
Wyoming Juicy Pear Cinnamon Cotton Candy

What Candy is Best For Filling Easter Eggs?

Depending on the climate you live in and the weather on Easter, you might ant to stay away from chocolate candies inside easter eggs. Unless the have a candy coating, they're likely to become a melty mess.

But luckily there are 2 candies that include chocolate that DO have candy coatings that are perfect for filling plastic Easter eggs. M&M's and Cadbury mini Eggs will do great as long as they're not kept warm for an extended period.

While other sugar based candies like skittles and starbursts are also great, recommends Cadbury Mini Eggs for plastic egg fillers. Can't lose.

Final Easter Candy Thoughts

Does the list above match with what you like or your loved ones would like to receive as a gift?

If you get the wrong thing, just remember that - really - the Easter season is about family and fun. It's the thought that counts, the gesture that matters. Unless you give me bunny candy corn, in which case we are no longer friends.

Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts!

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